BluSeal TF05
BluSeal TF05 is a two-component cementitious powder and EVA polymer liquid kit which requires only mixing to form a flexible and durable high strength membrane.
BluSeal TF05 is designed to form a flexible and durable membrane suitable for sealing and consolidating shotcrete, concrete linings, rock excavations and brickwork. BluSeal TF05 is used for lining bored and driven tunnels, cut and cover tunnels, cross passages, shafts and underground structures. BluSeal TF05 can be applied in a range of thicknesses for various performance applications. The membrane liner is applied to structures to prevent water inflow and provide asset protection.
Easily applied by roller, brush or spray methods
EVA based polymers with low VOC for safe tunnel application
Fast application with negligible dust emissions
Can be applied to internal exposed tunnel surfaces or between shotcrete layers
Project Specification Clause
HIGH-PERFORMANCE TUNNEL SPRAY MEMBRANE – The spray membrane used for this project shall be a two-component latex cement which requires mixing to form a durable water infiltration resistant and robust consolidation liner. It shall be a product that has independent testing to validate the performance outlined in the technical data table on the following pages. BluSeal TF05 manufactured by Bluey Technologies or equivalent shall be accepted.
Project Examples
Tunnel waterproofing, basements, green roofs, rail bridges, land bridges.