When combined, the three features below extend BluCem ZeoGlass’ design life for up to 3 times as long as regular OPC shotcretes.

1) Corrosion Resistant Recycled Glass
BluCem ZeoGlass is unique in that more than 50% of the mix is recycled by-products, including glass aggregate which is totally inert to corrosion in acid sewer environments. The combined glass aggregate grading also allows for a controlled void space of 36% in the blended ZeoGlass product which permits the formulation to be adjusted for maximum compaction with minimum water demand; further enhancing durability.

2) The ZeoCem Binder
The proprietary binder system used in ZeoGlass is very low in alkalinity and does not induce any form of ASR (Alkali-Silica Reaction) or AAR (Alkali Aggregate Reaction). The formulation means that BluCem ZeoGlass does not lose compressive strength, displays excellent resistance to food acids (citric and gluconic) and has the added benefit of providing alkali passivity to facilitate the protection of steel reinforcements.

3) Minimal Water Demand
The minimal water demand required when using glass aggregate means very low water-cement ratios can be achieved with dry spraying whilst still ensuring proper cement binder hydration and compaction. This greatly enhances the durability of cured ZeoGlass.

These three features extend the duration of the product’s service life, resisting aggressive acidic environments for up to 3 times as long as regular OPC shotcretes. To learn more, download the BluCem ZeoGlass Technical Note.

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